Today i had a chance to try setting up new fresh OSIsoft PI Server in my VM. I document the step by for further reference.
O/S=Windows Server 2016 (Version 1607)
Installer File Used (in chronological order):
1. SQL Server Express
2. PI_Server_2018-SP3-Patch-3
a) I like the fresh new installer GUI. I have not seen this b4 (my last fresh PI server build was more than 10 yrs back.. :-P)
b) I ticked all Server Roles in 1 box ie. PI Data Archive + PI AF in 1 box. Ticking all roles, would consume 2.7GB of space. Not bad laaaa
c) I could see each individual features to be installed and the installer also highlight to me 1 error. Wah.. cool gila..
d) I have not attempted to setup PI-AF in the past, i got this error where it says missing SQL Server... so i quit the installer and install SQL Server Express first..
e) The installer now has ability to activate license directly. This is so coool... the installer auto generate MSF automatically.. u cant proceed installing without "pilicense.dat" -- wow they locked it right from beginning.. i got my 14 days trial license from PI Support Team..