21 October 2009

Auto capture CSV file to Excel w/ Auto Refresh Feature

My EDMI energy meter giving me CSV based output file. I need to "push" it to OPC and/or PI system for further "processing".

13 October 2009

Optimist vs Pessimist

nice article.. :)

DataPID and DataSim problem w/ OPC Datahub

somehow i got this strange problem..

11 October 2009

USB problem w/ Virtualbox 3.0.8 + Ubuntu 9.04 as host

if u have a problem w/ accessing your USB device ie. u're seeing a greyed area when u try to select any of your USB device..

try this first.. go to System > Administration > Users and Groups

05 October 2009

OPC Datahub DataSim & DataPID connection error

i got an error while playing around with my OPC Datahub in my virtual machine. DataSim and DataPID simulate OPC data so that u can toy around. if u look at the status - it either shows "Fail to Connect" or "ECONNREFUSED"

thanks to the folk at Software Toolbox - the problem solved. it's so simple. both program requires tunneling feature of OPC Datahub to be enabled.
