By default, Processbook use pointid to get data from PI server instead of tagname.
When u have new PI server with same tagname but with different pointid, all your PDI files will give messy value.. so to fix that, simply edit your Procbook.ini file (using Notepad), and find this parameter...
By default, the value is "0".. So change it to "1".. Restart Processbook.. voila..
Where Procbook.ini is located?
Easy.. do this in the Command Prompt..
A knowledge sharing portal from an ordinary human serving his exciting professional life as a Instrument & Control System Engineer.. Life is all about sharing.. All knowledge comes from Allah the almighty.. Subhanallah..
29 December 2011
23 December 2011
American Gas Association Report No. 8 (AGA8) application for GB3 Metering Project
For GB3 Metering Project, AGA8 refers to "AGA8-DC92" mentioned below.
The AGA8-DC92 (ISO 12213) standard is used to calculate the following:
a) Compressibility factor at Base conditions
b) Compressibility factor at Line conditions
c) Density at Line conditions
d) PTZ correction factor, (C)
Calculation inputs are as below:
a) Natural gas from the 10 gas component (output of the Encal 3000 Gas Chromatograph)
b) Base Pressure and Temperature
c) Line Pressure and Temperature.
The method of AGA8_DC92 in accordance of ISO 12213.
The module calculates also PTZ correction factor, C from which you can make further calculations:
- PTZ density, Volume and Total energy of gas
20 December 2011
Technical Papers for Power Plant Performance Engineers
Performance Engineers out there.. check this out.. wonderful place..
The papers are categorized in 12 different sections..
1. Turbine Cycle Performance Analysis
2. Performance Testing
3. Operations and Economics
4. Fossil Boilers and Nuclear Steam Generators
5. Combined Cycles, Cogeneration, and Gas Turbine Cycles
6. Steam Turbines
7. Feedwater Heaters
8. Condensers and Cooling Towers
9. Feed Pumps and Feed Pump Turbines
10. Fuel Studies
11. Computer Applications
12. Performance Monitoring
The papers are categorized in 12 different sections..
1. Turbine Cycle Performance Analysis
2. Performance Testing
3. Operations and Economics
4. Fossil Boilers and Nuclear Steam Generators
5. Combined Cycles, Cogeneration, and Gas Turbine Cycles
6. Steam Turbines
7. Feedwater Heaters
8. Condensers and Cooling Towers
9. Feed Pumps and Feed Pump Turbines
10. Fuel Studies
11. Computer Applications
12. Performance Monitoring
Import User List from Old PI Server
Part of LPP PI Server enhancement is PI Server hardware/software/OS upgrade. A build-from-scratch method was used to upgrade their PI Enterprise Server (due to some technical reason not explained here).
Bcoz of that, some manual import is required and 1 of them is the PI User list.. To do that.. follow command below..
Note that the *.DIF file can be easily generated using PI-SMT from the old server.
D:\Program Files\PI\adm>piconfig < e:\userlama.dif *> abdhalim, abdhalim, ,
*> affendi, C&I Specialist, ,
*> ainuddin, MCB, ,
*> Aizuddin, Aizuddin, ,
*> amer, Chemical Engineer,Operation, ,
*PIconfig Err> Error in table interface... Rec:
*[-12001] Name Not Found in PInt
*> amiruddin0724, amiruddin0724, ,
*> ananthan, ananthan,
*> azhari, SCE, ,
*> azlan0941, azlan0941, ,
*> bs1, bs1,
*> bs2, bs2,
*> candi1, candi1,
*> candi123, candi123,
*> ckchow, Chow Kwong Jin,
*> ckfoo, Foo Chee Kong,
*> electech, electech,
*> Ezraila, Ezraila,
*> fasya0269, fasya0269, ,
*> Fauzan, Fauzan,
*> fauzi0277, Trainer,
*> fawi, Meor Safawi,
*> firdaus, Engineer,
*> GB3bs, Block Supervisors of GB3,GB3,
*PIconfig Err> Error in table interface... Rec:
*[-12001] Name Not Found in PInt
*> Gb3sce, Shift Charge Engineers of GB3,GB3,
*PIconfig Err> Error in table interface... Rec:
*[-12001] Name Not Found in PInt
*> Habib, Habib,
*> Hairol, Hairol,
*> halim, halim,
*> Hasanudin, Hasanudin,
*> Haslina, Haslina,
*> HCChong, HCChong,
*> ikram, ikram,
*> jainuddin, jainuddin,
*> Jsliew, Jsliew,
*> khairul, Operating Eng.,
*> kkchong, C&I Supervisor,
*> knizam, knizam,
*> kwlee0101, Lee Khean Wang,
*> LanSukaimy, Operration Mgr, ,
*> Laris2, Laris2,
*> lauwh, C&I Engineer, ,
*> leen, leen,
*> Loh, Senior Manager O&M,
*> Lutfi, TSG Engineer, ,
*> m_mech3, m_mech3,
*> Mahir, Elec. Engineer,
*> Masrip, Lab Technician,
*> Mech1, Mech1,
*> Mech2, Mech2,
*> mechtech, mechtech,
*> nazmin, C&I HOD,
*> Nikm, Nikm,
*> Norafinaz, Norafinaz,
*> norliza, norliza,
*> Nur Alyna, Nur Alyna,
*> piadmin, PI Administration, ,
*> pidemo, pidemo, ,
*> Proteknik, Proteknik,
*> Rahimi, Mech. Engineer,
*> Rasul, IT,
*> razak, razak,
*> Raziff, Senior Manager TSG,
*> ridzhuan, KLHQ Engineer,
*> roshidi, OE, ,
*> Rosli, AGM TSG,
*> rossly, rossly,
*> Rozail, Rozail,
*> saffuan, Operation Eng.,
*> sam, piadmin, ,
*> Scesap1, Shift Charge 1,
*> scesap2, scesap2,
*> Shahril, C&I,
*> Shahrul, Shahrul,
*> shamsul, shamsul,
*> Shokri, C&I Maint. Manager,
*> siva, Siva Ramalingam,
*> Sobri, Sobri,
*> Sobri0556, GB3 OE, ,
*> sobrimohd, sobrimohd,
*> sofi, Operation Eng.,
*> Subrina, Subrina,
*> TSG, TSG,
*> TSG-Workstation, TSG-Workstation,
*> Vipts, Vipts,
*> yjlee, TSG Planner,
*> Zaharin, Zaharin,
PIconfig 85 Data lines
3 Command line
3 Records in error...
79 Records Created
3 Records Edited
D:\Program Files\PI\adm>
Bcoz of that, some manual import is required and 1 of them is the PI User list.. To do that.. follow command below..
Note that the *.DIF file can be easily generated using PI-SMT from the old server.
D:\Program Files\PI\adm>piconfig < e:\userlama.dif *> abdhalim, abdhalim, ,
*> affendi, C&I Specialist, ,
*> ainuddin, MCB, ,
*> Aizuddin, Aizuddin, ,
*> amer, Chemical Engineer,Operation, ,
*PIconfig Err> Error in table interface... Rec:
*[-12001] Name Not Found in PInt
*> amiruddin0724, amiruddin0724, ,
*> ananthan, ananthan,
*> azhari, SCE, ,
*> azlan0941, azlan0941, ,
*> bs1, bs1,
*> bs2, bs2,
*> candi1, candi1,
*> candi123, candi123,
*> ckchow, Chow Kwong Jin,
*> ckfoo, Foo Chee Kong,
*> electech, electech,
*> Ezraila, Ezraila,
*> fasya0269, fasya0269, ,
*> Fauzan, Fauzan,
*> fauzi0277, Trainer,
*> fawi, Meor Safawi,
*> firdaus, Engineer,
*> GB3bs, Block Supervisors of GB3,GB3,
*PIconfig Err> Error in table interface... Rec:
*[-12001] Name Not Found in PInt
*> Gb3sce, Shift Charge Engineers of GB3,GB3,
*PIconfig Err> Error in table interface... Rec:
*[-12001] Name Not Found in PInt
*> Habib, Habib,
*> Hairol, Hairol,
*> halim, halim,
*> Hasanudin, Hasanudin,
*> Haslina, Haslina,
*> HCChong, HCChong,
*> ikram, ikram,
*> jainuddin, jainuddin,
*> Jsliew, Jsliew,
*> khairul, Operating Eng.,
*> kkchong, C&I Supervisor,
*> knizam, knizam,
*> kwlee0101, Lee Khean Wang,
*> LanSukaimy, Operration Mgr, ,
*> Laris2, Laris2,
*> lauwh, C&I Engineer, ,
*> leen, leen,
*> Loh, Senior Manager O&M,
*> Lutfi, TSG Engineer, ,
*> m_mech3, m_mech3,
*> Mahir, Elec. Engineer,
*> Masrip, Lab Technician,
*> Mech1, Mech1,
*> Mech2, Mech2,
*> mechtech, mechtech,
*> nazmin, C&I HOD,
*> Nikm, Nikm,
*> Norafinaz, Norafinaz,
*> norliza, norliza,
*> Nur Alyna, Nur Alyna,
*> piadmin, PI Administration, ,
*> pidemo, pidemo, ,
*> Proteknik, Proteknik,
*> Rahimi, Mech. Engineer,
*> Rasul, IT,
*> razak, razak,
*> Raziff, Senior Manager TSG,
*> ridzhuan, KLHQ Engineer,
*> roshidi, OE, ,
*> Rosli, AGM TSG,
*> rossly, rossly,
*> Rozail, Rozail,
*> saffuan, Operation Eng.,
*> sam, piadmin, ,
*> Scesap1, Shift Charge 1,
*> scesap2, scesap2,
*> Shahril, C&I,
*> Shahrul, Shahrul,
*> shamsul, shamsul,
*> Shokri, C&I Maint. Manager,
*> siva, Siva Ramalingam,
*> Sobri, Sobri,
*> Sobri0556, GB3 OE, ,
*> sobrimohd, sobrimohd,
*> sofi, Operation Eng.,
*> Subrina, Subrina,
*> TSG, TSG,
*> TSG-Workstation, TSG-Workstation,
*> Vipts, Vipts,
*> yjlee, TSG Planner,
*> Zaharin, Zaharin,
PIconfig 85 Data lines
3 Command line
3 Records in error...
79 Records Created
3 Records Edited
D:\Program Files\PI\adm>
07 December 2011
Automatic Archive Creation for PI Enterprise
KB Article # 3122OSI8
How Automatic Archive Creation works
Product: PI Server, PI Archive
Version(s): 3.4 and later
Platform: N/A
How do you set up automatic archive creation?
In PI Server 3.4 and later, you can set the Archive_AutoArchiveFileRoot parameter so that the PI Server generates new archives automatically when shifting.
When enabled, the PI System Manager does not have to create all empty archives ahead of time. PI will create them for you.
If you are not monitoring the disk space on your PI Server, you could potentially encounter a situation where your hard disk full and PI either overwrites old archives or data backs up in the event queue and is not archived.
Tuning Parameters
The following tuning parameters govern the behavior of the automatic archive creation feature:
Archive_AutoArchiveFileRoot - Auto Archive Creation
This parameter enables automatic archive creation. If present, this parameter defines the path and file name prefix to be used for new archives. For example, a setting of "C:\PI\arc\auto_" defines that newly created archives should be placed in the "C:\PI\arc folder and have a file name prefix of "auto_". The tuning parameters Archive_AutoArchiveFileFormat and Archive_AutoArchiveFileExt govern how the remainder of the archive’s name is formed.
Note: The Archive_AutoArchiveFileFormat and the Archive_AutoArchiveFileExt parameters are only applicable for PI server version 3.4.375.67 and above.
This parameter governs the generated portion of the filename to be given to the archive file to be created. Possible values for this parameter and the corresponding filename are:
0 - _D_Mon_YYYY_H_M_S<.ext>
1 - < prefix >_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS<.ext>
2 - < prefix >_UTCSECONDS<.ext>
Where < prefix > is the file name prefix specified in the Archive_AutoArchiveFileRoot parameter and <.ext> is the file extension specified in the Archive_AutoArchiveFileExt parameter.Archive_AutoArchiveFileExt
This parameter specifies the file extension to be added to the name of the archive file to be created. The default value of this parameter is ".arc".
This parameter determines how the PI Archive subsystem behaves if it encounters an error (i.e. insufficient disk space or disk error) while attempting to create a new archive.
When Archive_OverwriteDataOnAutoShiftFailure is enabled (set to "1") and an error is detected while attempting to create a new archive file (i.e. insufficient disk space or disk error), it will shift into the oldest filled archive on the hard drive and begin overwriting older data.
When Archive_OverwriteDataOnAutoShiftFailure is disabled (set to "0"), and an error is detected while attempting to create a new archive file (i.e. insufficient disk space or disk error), archiving is disabled and data will queue in the Event Queue file. You can later detach the event queue file and reprocess it into an archive, but this is time consuming and can be disruptive.
Note: The default value of Archive_OverwriteDataOnAutoShiftFailure is enabled by default in PI Server 3.4.380. In PI Server 3.4.380SP1 and later, it is disabled by default.
You can find more information about automatic archive file creation in the PI Server System Management Guide.
Set up Automatic Archive Creation
Follow the six steps below to ensure that the automatic archive creation is properly configured. You can use either the Tuning Parameters in PI System Management Tools (PI SMT) or piconfig for all steps. Below are instructions for both.
I. Add the Archive_AutoArchiveFileRoot parameter to the PI Tuning Parameters and set the Value field.
Using PI System Management Tools
Open the Operation> Tuning Parameters branch and click the Archive tab.
Select an existing timeout parameter, right-click and choose "New."
Add the timeout parameter "Archive_AutoArchiveFileRoot" and set the Value to a path and file name prefix for the new archives, such as “"c:\pi\arc\piauto_".
The path you enter in the Value field must exist in order to work properly.
Using piconfig
Type "piconfig" at a command prompt in the pi\adm directory and press Enter.
Enter the following lines pressing Enter after each. Substitute "c:\pi\arc\piauto_"
with the path and file name prefix of your choice:
@table pi_gen, pitimeout
@mode edit, t
@istr name, value
Archive_AutoArchiveFileRoot, c:\pi\dat\piauto_
II. If running PI Server 3.4.380 or later, set the Archive_OverwriteDataOnAutoShiftFailure parameter.
Using PI System Management Tools
Open the Operation> Tuning Parameters branch and click the Archive tab.
Select an existing timeout parameter, right-click and choose "New."
Add the timeout parameter "Archive_OverwriteDataOnAutoShiftFailure" and set the Value to 1 to enable or 0 to disable, depending on your preference.
Using piconfig
Type "piconfig" at a command prompt in the pi\adm directory and press Enter.
Enter the following lines pressing Enter after each. Substitute the value following the “Archive_OverwriteDataOnAutoShiftFailure," with a value of 1 to enable or 0 to disable, depending on your preference.
@table pi_gen, pitimeout
@mode edit, t
@istr name, value
Archive_OverwriteDataOnAutoShiftFailure, 1
III. Add the Archive_AutoArchiveFileFormat parameter to the PI Tuning Parameters and set the Value field.
Using PI System Management Tools
Open the Operation> Tuning Parameters branch and click the Archive tab.
Select an existing timeout parameter, right-click and choose "New."
Add the timeout parameter "Archive_AutoArchiveFileFormat " and set the Value to 0, 1 or 2 to determine the format of the filename (see list above) for new archives.
Using piconfig
Type "piconfig" at a command prompt in the pi\adm directory and press Enter. Enter the following lines pressing Enter after each. Substitute the value following the “Archive_AutoArchiveFileFormat," with a value of 0, 1 or 2 (see list above), depending on your preference.
@table pi_gen, pitimeout
@mode edit, t
@istr name, value
Archive_AutoArchiveFileFormat, 0
IV. Add the Archive_AutoArchiveFileExt parameter to the PI Tuning Parameters and set the Value field.
Using PI PI System Management Tools
Open the Operation> Tuning Parameters branch and click the Archive tab. Select an existing timeout parameter, right-click and choose "New." Add the timeout parameter “Archive_AutoArchiveFileExt” and set the Value to the extension to use for the filename for new archives.
Using piconfig
Type "piconfig" at a command prompt in the pi\adm directory and press Enter. Enter the following lines pressing Enter after each. Substitute ".arc" with the file extension of your choice:
@table pi_gen, pitimeout
@mode edit, t
@istr name, value
V. Make sure your primary archive is a fixed-size primary archive.
The auto archive creation will not work with a dynamic primary archive. The size of automatically created archives will always be taken from the size of that initial primary archive.
To do this, open Operation> Archive Manager in PI SMT 3 and look at the "Type" for the primary archive. (You can also run "piartool -al" at a pi\adm prompt.) Archive[0] should be set to "Type: 0" which is fixed.
VI. If running PI Server prior to 3.4.380, make sure you have one valid, shiftable, empty target archive available, even though it will not be used if automatic archives can be created.
This archive can be dynamic or fixed, unlike the primary archive. The purpose for this archive is to ensure you always have an archive to shift to if for some reason the auto archive creation fails.To test if the parameter is properly set, you can force an archive shift using the "piartool -fs" from a command prompt in the pi\adm directory. A new archive should be generated in the directory that you specified.
How to deactivate the Auto Archive Creation:
Using PI System Management Tools:
To turn off the Archive_AutoArchiveFileRoot timeout parameter, set the value to blank (nothing) in the PI SMT Tuning Paramters table.
Using piconfig
You can also delete the parameter using piconfig.
Type "piconfig" at a command prompt in the pi\adm directory.
Next, list the content of the timeout table:
@table pi_gen,pitimeout
@mode list
@ostr *
You should see Archive_AutoArchiveFileRoot parameter.
To delete it, change to Delete mode:
@mode delete
@istr name
Lastly, verify that this parameter is removed by listing the contents again:
@mode list
@ostr *
Caution: When relying solely on the automatic archive creation, you expose yourself to more points of failure. It might be easier to keep track of available disk space, then to keep track of what archives are mounted and what they contain and whether or not they can be allowed to be overwritten. But the downside to using the above is that one could run out of free disk space if one is not watchful.
We recommend using MCN to monitor disk space on the PI Server and using PI Notifications to warn when there is low free space on the PI Server. Both MCN and PI Notifications are included with PI Server 2010.
Article ID: 3122OSI8 Created: 2/14/2005 Created by: DPERROW
Article Type: Troubleshooting Last Updated: 1/10/2011 Modified by: cwong
Copyright OSIsoft, Inc., 2008 All rights reserved.
Users may print extracts of content from this website for personal use only.
Republication or redistribution of OSIsoft content is expressly prohibited
without OSIsoft's prior written consent.
How Automatic Archive Creation works
Product: PI Server, PI Archive
Version(s): 3.4 and later
Platform: N/A
How do you set up automatic archive creation?
In PI Server 3.4 and later, you can set the Archive_AutoArchiveFileRoot parameter so that the PI Server generates new archives automatically when shifting.
When enabled, the PI System Manager does not have to create all empty archives ahead of time. PI will create them for you.
If you are not monitoring the disk space on your PI Server, you could potentially encounter a situation where your hard disk full and PI either overwrites old archives or data backs up in the event queue and is not archived.
Tuning Parameters
The following tuning parameters govern the behavior of the automatic archive creation feature:
Archive_AutoArchiveFileRoot - Auto Archive Creation
This parameter enables automatic archive creation. If present, this parameter defines the path and file name prefix to be used for new archives. For example, a setting of "C:\PI\arc\auto_" defines that newly created archives should be placed in the "C:\PI\arc folder and have a file name prefix of "auto_". The tuning parameters Archive_AutoArchiveFileFormat and Archive_AutoArchiveFileExt govern how the remainder of the archive’s name is formed.
Note: The Archive_AutoArchiveFileFormat and the Archive_AutoArchiveFileExt parameters are only applicable for PI server version 3.4.375.67 and above.
This parameter governs the generated portion of the filename to be given to the archive file to be created. Possible values for this parameter and the corresponding filename are:
0 - _D_Mon_YYYY_H_M_S<.ext>
1 - < prefix >_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS<.ext>
2 - < prefix >_UTCSECONDS<.ext>
Where < prefix > is the file name prefix specified in the Archive_AutoArchiveFileRoot parameter and <.ext> is the file extension specified in the Archive_AutoArchiveFileExt parameter.Archive_AutoArchiveFileExt
This parameter specifies the file extension to be added to the name of the archive file to be created. The default value of this parameter is ".arc".
This parameter determines how the PI Archive subsystem behaves if it encounters an error (i.e. insufficient disk space or disk error) while attempting to create a new archive.
When Archive_OverwriteDataOnAutoShiftFailure is enabled (set to "1") and an error is detected while attempting to create a new archive file (i.e. insufficient disk space or disk error), it will shift into the oldest filled archive on the hard drive and begin overwriting older data.
When Archive_OverwriteDataOnAutoShiftFailure is disabled (set to "0"), and an error is detected while attempting to create a new archive file (i.e. insufficient disk space or disk error), archiving is disabled and data will queue in the Event Queue file. You can later detach the event queue file and reprocess it into an archive, but this is time consuming and can be disruptive.
Note: The default value of Archive_OverwriteDataOnAutoShiftFailure is enabled by default in PI Server 3.4.380. In PI Server 3.4.380SP1 and later, it is disabled by default.
You can find more information about automatic archive file creation in the PI Server System Management Guide.
Set up Automatic Archive Creation
Follow the six steps below to ensure that the automatic archive creation is properly configured. You can use either the Tuning Parameters in PI System Management Tools (PI SMT) or piconfig for all steps. Below are instructions for both.
I. Add the Archive_AutoArchiveFileRoot parameter to the PI Tuning Parameters and set the Value field.
Using PI System Management Tools
Open the Operation> Tuning Parameters branch and click the Archive tab.
Select an existing timeout parameter, right-click and choose "New."
Add the timeout parameter "Archive_AutoArchiveFileRoot" and set the Value to a path and file name prefix for the new archives, such as “"c:\pi\arc\piauto_".
The path you enter in the Value field must exist in order to work properly.
Using piconfig
Type "piconfig" at a command prompt in the pi\adm directory and press Enter.
Enter the following lines pressing Enter after each. Substitute "c:\pi\arc\piauto_"
with the path and file name prefix of your choice:
@table pi_gen, pitimeout
@mode edit, t
@istr name, value
Archive_AutoArchiveFileRoot, c:\pi\dat\piauto_
II. If running PI Server 3.4.380 or later, set the Archive_OverwriteDataOnAutoShiftFailure parameter.
Using PI System Management Tools
Open the Operation> Tuning Parameters branch and click the Archive tab.
Select an existing timeout parameter, right-click and choose "New."
Add the timeout parameter "Archive_OverwriteDataOnAutoShiftFailure" and set the Value to 1 to enable or 0 to disable, depending on your preference.
Using piconfig
Type "piconfig" at a command prompt in the pi\adm directory and press Enter.
Enter the following lines pressing Enter after each. Substitute the value following the “Archive_OverwriteDataOnAutoShiftFailure," with a value of 1 to enable or 0 to disable, depending on your preference.
@table pi_gen, pitimeout
@mode edit, t
@istr name, value
Archive_OverwriteDataOnAutoShiftFailure, 1
III. Add the Archive_AutoArchiveFileFormat parameter to the PI Tuning Parameters and set the Value field.
Using PI System Management Tools
Open the Operation> Tuning Parameters branch and click the Archive tab.
Select an existing timeout parameter, right-click and choose "New."
Add the timeout parameter "Archive_AutoArchiveFileFormat " and set the Value to 0, 1 or 2 to determine the format of the filename (see list above) for new archives.
Using piconfig
Type "piconfig" at a command prompt in the pi\adm directory and press Enter. Enter the following lines pressing Enter after each. Substitute the value following the “Archive_AutoArchiveFileFormat," with a value of 0, 1 or 2 (see list above), depending on your preference.
@table pi_gen, pitimeout
@mode edit, t
@istr name, value
Archive_AutoArchiveFileFormat, 0
IV. Add the Archive_AutoArchiveFileExt parameter to the PI Tuning Parameters and set the Value field.
Using PI PI System Management Tools
Open the Operation> Tuning Parameters branch and click the Archive tab. Select an existing timeout parameter, right-click and choose "New." Add the timeout parameter “Archive_AutoArchiveFileExt” and set the Value to the extension to use for the filename for new archives.
Using piconfig
Type "piconfig" at a command prompt in the pi\adm directory and press Enter. Enter the following lines pressing Enter after each. Substitute ".arc" with the file extension of your choice:
@table pi_gen, pitimeout
@mode edit, t
@istr name, value
V. Make sure your primary archive is a fixed-size primary archive.
The auto archive creation will not work with a dynamic primary archive. The size of automatically created archives will always be taken from the size of that initial primary archive.
To do this, open Operation> Archive Manager in PI SMT 3 and look at the "Type" for the primary archive. (You can also run "piartool -al" at a pi\adm prompt.) Archive[0] should be set to "Type: 0" which is fixed.
VI. If running PI Server prior to 3.4.380, make sure you have one valid, shiftable, empty target archive available, even though it will not be used if automatic archives can be created.
This archive can be dynamic or fixed, unlike the primary archive. The purpose for this archive is to ensure you always have an archive to shift to if for some reason the auto archive creation fails.To test if the parameter is properly set, you can force an archive shift using the "piartool -fs" from a command prompt in the pi\adm directory. A new archive should be generated in the directory that you specified.
How to deactivate the Auto Archive Creation:
Using PI System Management Tools:
To turn off the Archive_AutoArchiveFileRoot timeout parameter, set the value to blank (nothing) in the PI SMT Tuning Paramters table.
Using piconfig
You can also delete the parameter using piconfig.
Type "piconfig" at a command prompt in the pi\adm directory.
Next, list the content of the timeout table:
@table pi_gen,pitimeout
@mode list
@ostr *
You should see Archive_AutoArchiveFileRoot parameter.
To delete it, change to Delete mode:
@mode delete
@istr name
Lastly, verify that this parameter is removed by listing the contents again:
@mode list
@ostr *
Caution: When relying solely on the automatic archive creation, you expose yourself to more points of failure. It might be easier to keep track of available disk space, then to keep track of what archives are mounted and what they contain and whether or not they can be allowed to be overwritten. But the downside to using the above is that one could run out of free disk space if one is not watchful.
We recommend using MCN to monitor disk space on the PI Server and using PI Notifications to warn when there is low free space on the PI Server. Both MCN and PI Notifications are included with PI Server 2010.
Article ID: 3122OSI8 Created: 2/14/2005 Created by: DPERROW
Article Type: Troubleshooting Last Updated: 1/10/2011 Modified by: cwong
Copyright OSIsoft, Inc., 2008 All rights reserved.
Users may print extracts of content from this website for personal use only.
Republication or redistribution of OSIsoft content is expressly prohibited
without OSIsoft's prior written consent.
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