28 February 2011

PI Processbook X-Y Plot Tools Max Event Limitation

10,000 event and not more !!

PI Processbook X-Y Plot Tools Pairing Option

Pls be very careful when plotting X-Y points in PI Processbook. This is such a powerful tool !!

Below is taken from help file.

Configure Pairings
Once the tags are listed in the Tags in Plot list, configure the method for pairing values between X and Y in the Data Retrieval Methods box.

X Tag—choose either Recorded or Interpolated for the retrieval method.
Interpolated—an interval may be entered in the Plot Time section. Interpolated is the default for tags and is disabled for ODBC and Custom data sets. This method retrieves interpolated values for the specified time range in regular intervals. For example, if the time range is *-1h to * and the Interval is 10m, then six values spaced 10 minutes apart are returned. This option provides a way to get evenly sampled data.
Recorded—Retrieves archive values between the specified start and end time.
Y Tag(s)—the Y tag data retrieval method applies to individually selected tags in the Tags in Plot list (unless the Use for all Y tags check box is selected). The default data retrieval method for Y tags is Synchronize.
Y Tags, paired by position in the list—To use multiple time ranges, select Recorded or Interpolated. In this case, data is paired by position in the point list. If Interpolated is selected for the X tag as well, the interval value for the Y tag defaults to the one for the X tag.
When Recorded is the retrieval mechanism, the results are not skewed by minor timestamp differences.

Y Tags, paired by timestamps—to pair values by time, rather than by list position, choose one of these retrieval methods: Synchronize, Match, Match or Previous, or Match or Next.
Synchronize—synchronizes data found for X with data for Y using the timestamps for the X data. This may result in interpolated data values for Y.
Match—find the event for Y corresponding to the exact timestamp as X. If no matching event is found, no match is made for that X value.
Match or Previous—find the event for Y corresponding to the exact timestamp as X. If there is none, find the event that is the closest but earlier in time.
Match or Next—find the event for Y corresponding to the exact timestamp as X. If there is none, find the event that is the closest, but later in time.
Synchronize and Match—use different PI SDK value retrieval methods. Synchronize uses TimedValues. Match uses RecordedValues and then uses the values where the timestamps match.

Note: Synchronize is disabled for ODBC and Custom data sets.

If you select Synchronize or any of the Match options, the start and end times for that tag are set the same as for the X tag and cannot be changed.

Note: The XYPlot supports ODBC data sets that don't contain timestamps. This type of entry must be plotted as a Y-tag, and data values must be retrieved using the Recorded retrieval method. If a tag is changed from a Y tag to an X tag and has a value for Retrieval Method that is only valid for Y tags, the method is changed to Interpolated. If the tag is a data set, the method is changed to Recorded.

In all cases, if a pair is not made, the unmatched X or Y events are ignored.

Use for all Y tags—Selecting this box indicates that the Y-tags data retrieval mechanism applies for all Y-tags. If one of the tags is a Custom or ODBC data set and the selection mechanism is Interpolated or Synchronize, the selection mechanism will be Recorded or Match respectively for that tag only.

22 February 2011

Speedtronic Mark V Rung Scanning Period

Ever wonder whether there is scanning "phasing" like what u use to have in Foxboro IA DCS in Mark V? The answer is yes. Look at your MSTR_SEQ.CFG file..

17 February 2011

Foxboro I/A Series Version 8.6 Release

Customer Notification
I/A Series Version 8.6 Release with 100 Series FBM Upgrade
February 16, 2011

Invensys Operations Management is committed to ensuring that our customers and employees are kept current on issues that might affect or improve product, system or process operation. We are dedicated to providing product and application reliability, and exceptional client service.

Customer Notifications are intended to inform you of the availability of new hardware, software, and special programs, product release information, training opportunities, and service-related information of a non-technical nature.

I/A Series Release Version 8.6 software provides enhancements to I/A Series core software and provides additional functionality and security to I/A Series control systems, including:
1. 100 Series Fieldbus Modules Upgrade.
2. Several software packages are upgraded.
3. Several Control Blocks are upgraded.
The V8.6 release continues to provide security features for I/A Series systems that were initially added in V8.5. It allows you to maintain customized security according to the needs and requirements of your site. During V8.5 Day0 I/A Series software installation, you were provided a choice to 1) install I/A Series software with Security Enhancements (known as I/A Series Secured Enhanced, or SE, software) or 2) install standard I/A Series software without security enhancements. This V8.6 release is an update to V8.5, and supports both options.

I/A Series V8.6 software supports the 100 Series Fieldbus Module (FBM) Upgrade subsystem, which provides equipment to upgrade sites with existing 100 Series FBMs and Termination Cable Assemblies (TCAs) to 200 Series equivalents. Important features of this software provide Upgrade Support for 100 Series FBMs and Expansion FBMs, and preserve existing field wiring/existing enclosures, while minimizing plant downtime during the upgrade project. This upgrade will move clients to 200 Series FBMs and 2MB Fieldbus, and provide HART capability.

Software Applications Upgraded for V8.6 :
• System Definition, V2.11
• I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC), V2.4
• System Manager Software, V2.1
• Intelligent Field Device Configurator (IFDC), V3.1
• Extended Frame Service (EFS) Software, V2.2
• FoxAPI, V4.3.3
• Control Block and Parameter Additions and Changes

• Loading of V8.6 is a delta upgrade install of I/A Series software.
• Loading a new system (day 0 install) will start with V8.5.
• Requirements established for V8.5 continue in V8.6
• Hardened OS images must be purchased for each workstation as 3rd party licenses are invoked per machine.
Hardened OS images are available for Invensys Dell supplied machines.
P92 XP workstations PW360 through T3500 models
Server 2003 Class machines PE2800 through the T610 and R710 models

• Only V10.2.2 FoxView/FoxDraw is qualified to run on V8.5 and V8.6.

For InFusion CE (Control Edition) users, the latest version InFusion CE V2.5 is the only qualified version for V8.6

To take advantage of FF CIF offering, Control Configuration MUST be performed through InFusion IEE environment.
(No ICC or IACC support)

08 February 2011

Osisoft OPC Interface - Update Rates

In 1 of my OPC interface, i faced a problem whereby data quality is inconsistent, out of like 80++ tags, i will have 10++ tags showing "Bad" quality...

and the culprit is the Update Rate settings !!

07 February 2011

Ensuring TMOS DEAViewer in healthy mode

DEAViewer is a program which is part of TMOS system from Industrial Turbine Services. Used for Mark V SOE / Alarm logging.

The software can be executed without installing it. Just copy the whole folder and run the EXE. The folder structure looks like below:

"Settings.TXT" is the script file defining your MYSQL server IP address, port no, username etc. if u're behind a firewall, make sure the port is opened.

And finally, the log files which explains the behavior of the program. useful when troubleshooting..